Tarot Card Reading gets a lot of bad press. The misconceptions and misinformation around it make most people I know misinterpret it. This is why all through April I decided to Demystify the Tarot with a series of posts. These posts were based on the often asked questions and misconceptions people I came across had. Here they are. Hope you find answers to your queries here;
A is for Angel Cards
B is for Belief
C is for Cleansing the Cards
D is for Deck
E is for Energy
F is for Free Reading
G is for Guidance
H is for How Tarot Changed Me
I is for Intuition
J is for Jumping Cards
K is for Knowledge
L is for Lovers
M is for Misconceptions
N is for Need
O is for Occult
P is for Pagan
Q is for Querent
R is for Respect
S is for Spread
T is for Transformation
U is for Used To
V is for Vice
W is for Witch
X is for X-Ray
Y is for You
Z is for Zodiac
Thanks for sharing great information !