#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Spread : Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

A Spread is the placement of the Tarot Cards in a specific formation by the Tarot Card Reader. The Spread is what helps to answer the questions asked by the Querent during the Tarot Card Reading.

There is a Spread for every occasion and every Reader. There are hundreds of Tarot Card Spreads. Some Readers use multiple Spreads for a single Reading while others stick to one spread they are comfortable with.

Some of the more common Spreads are;

Picking a Single Card that answers your question.

3 Card Spread that signifies Past. Present. Future.

5 Card Spread that elaborates on the 3 Card Spread.

After trying out a whole lot of different spreads, I realized I love and was most comfortable with the Celtic (Kel-tic) Cross Spread which is a 10 Card Spread.

The Celtic Cross Spread

Speaking for myself I feel the Celtic Cross Spread is what gives me the most detailed answer to any question asked. This Spread is named so as it forms the shape of a Cross. It takes into consideration the Client’s past, current thoughts and worries, the immediate future, and the long-term outcome. It also tells me about the client’s hopes and fears the challenges they make face or create and what is working for them or against them. However, these are just some of the things the Celtic Cross reveals. Told you it was comprehensive!

A Spread is one very important aspect of Tarot Card Reading. It is akin to a story board. However, any Spread used can only work right when the Tarot Card Reader knows the meaning of each Card and how it correlates to the question asked and where the Card is placed in the Spread.

Hi, I am Mayuri, a Tarot Card Reader by Profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present. Follow me on my Instagram handle @CardTalkWithMayuri to know more about the Tarot and all things related.

This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter, and my theme is Demystifying the Tarot.


  1. Deepika

    Thanks for amplifying all small and big aspects of tarot reading. This seems one of the most important part.
    Deepika Sharma

  2. Fascinating Mayuri!

  3. […] Card Reading it is the Death Card. The question that almost always follows its appearance in a Spread during the Reading is, ‘Am I doing to die?’ or ‘Is someone close to me going to […]

  4. Wow! That’s why your reading are so on point.

  5. Thank you for opening up a new world for me. Now the word spread has a new meaning for me! I am in awe about how much knowledge goes into making such readings and why not some life-altering decisions are based on them.

  6. […] the Clients to ask one specific question at a time. I get the answer to the question asked via a Spread. Since I use a multiple Card Spread my Readings are very detailed. They reveal much more than the […]

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