If I had a rupee for each time I was asked if I was a Witch,
I would be a woman who would be extremely rich and still wouldn’t be a Witch!
Yes, that is how tired I am of being asked if I am a Witch! I mean, how can anyone even think of these things? Do you know what Witches look like? From which angle do I look and sound like a Witch? I can’t even ride a bicycle and you assume I ride a broomstick.
You have magical powers (I wish!)
You can see through people (I can. Still not a Witch)
You hypnotize people (Why would I do that?)
You can make people pick up the Cards you want (I can’t even make myself stop binge-watching Netflix!)
You can put a curse, a spell, and do black magic on people (Errrr, what?)
There are other gems too;
Can you help control my Husband for me? (If I knew how to do that, I would patent it and live off the royalty!)
Can you make my mother-in-law love me more and praise me (This even God can’t do, how do you expect me to?)
I was told I shouldn’t look into your eyes, otherwise, you will control me (Whoever told you that, should get a doctor to look into their brain)
Guys, Tarot Card Reading is just another profession. You learn to read the Cards and you practice a lot before you read them. no special powers nor some special skill is needed. Only complete honesty and an unbiased and non-judgemental mindset are what you need to have on hand.
I don’t know why people associate Tarot Card Reading with being a Witch. If I had all the ‘special powers’ people assume I do, would i be typing out this explanatory post or would I be ruling the world? Think!
Hi, I am Mayuri, a Tarot Card Reader by Profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present. Follow me on my Instagram handle @CardTalkWithMayuri to know more about the Tarot and all things related.
This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter, and my theme is Demystifying the Tarot.
Your internal comments are hilarious! I am still laughing!
On a different note, I am so sorry you are told these things! Appalling!
On a totally different note: I wish I could be a witch and attend Hogwats! 😀
You are kidding me, right? That’s horrendous but hilarious now that I think of it 😛
This is stupidity par excellence when people label something that they do not understand. Kudos to you for standing up and being consistently braving all odds. More power to you, Mayuri.
[…] W is for Witch […]
You are an angel. There is so medicine for stupidity. Thus, you have been asked such questions.
Ha ha ha, this one cracked me up!! waise can’t ride a cycle? really ?