Did you know that Tarot Card Predictions and the Zodiac Signs are intertwined? And that each of the 12 Zodiac Signs (English Calendar) are represented by a Tarot Card each from the Major Arcana Cards.
In a Tarot Card Reading;
The Wands are associated with the Fire Signs of the Zodiac – Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The Pentacles are associated with the Earth Sign of the Zodiac –Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
The Swords are associated with the Air Signs of the Zodiac – Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
The Cups are associated with the Water Sign of the Zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Aries: The Emperor
Ambitious, Authoritative, and Analytical, Aries is all this and more. You don’t settle for anything but the best and are willing to work towards achieving it. Well, most of the time at least. Your arrogance is what gets the better of you sometimes though. Keep that in check and you shall always Awe.
Taurus: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is the Greek term for a ‘High Priest’. Much like one, you are wise, organized, and always in control of your thoughts and emotions. You love forming a community or heading one. You play your cards close to your chest. Hey, it’s ok to let your guard down in front of people you love!
Gemini: The Lovers
Impulsive, Impish, and Impatient you leap before you look, and land where you should, almost always. And if you don’t, you scope the new land and rule it! You change your thoughts and choices without warning, surprising yourself too in the process. Your heart rules your head alright, but learn how to use both effectively.
Cancer: The Chariot
You are often mistaken for a softie, but you are a warrior alright. You know how to get where and what you want and are ready to work around any obstacles in the way. If only you could learn to stop that tussle between what you want and what you need and believe in yourself as much as you believe all those around you.
Leo: Strength
Courageous, confident, and brave the Lions of the Zodiac are large-hearted and free-spirited. They like to rule and sulk when they are not allowed to. Loyalty is what they value the most and their roar is as dangerous as their bite would be. Psst: pet them and pamper them and watch them turn into pussycats.
Virgo: The Hermit
Virgos have an insatiable thirst for knowledge that helps them achieve their dreams and evolve. They are often wiser than their years and have a wicked sense of humor tucked away. Methodical to a fault, they perfectly demonstrate what ‘My way or the high way’ truly means. However, they love the sound of their voices a bit too much.
Libra: Justice
Balance and truth are what you seek, and that makes you want to be ethical even if it works against you. You take your time to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision too, and sometimes coming to that decision takes forever! Also, remember you can’t please everyone, evertime. Stop trying to!
Scorpio: Death
Dynamic, evolving, and mysterious, The Death card represents you perfectly. What is your secret, is what you have people wondering. The truth is even you don’t know it, as you choose to go with the flow and adapt accordingly. Holding grudges is tiring, learn to let go and see how you soar.
Sagittarius: Temperance
No one can guess what you’ll say or do next, no not even you can! You say what you mean and mean what you say and you get things done! You are an awesome ally and friend to have, and prayers for the person who can manage to get on your bad side. It’s time to learn how much to give and how much to hold back.
Capricorn: The Devil
You have found the balance between playful and purposeful and know when to use which. You are strong-willed and sure but could benefit from the introspection and reevaluation of your beliefs from time to time. Hey, advice from the right people is not a bad thing, you should try following it sometimes.
Aquarius: The Star
Quirky and unconventional, your sharp intelligence and observational skills guide you. You are often the go-to person for the right advice, for all those who know you. It’s a good thing you love meeting different people. Being a good listener would just add to your multi-faceted personality. You might even grow to like it.
Pisces: The Moon
You can most often be found floating in your imagination. Wake up, and smell the coffee though! It’s time to put those brilliant ideas to fruition or the world will lose out. Your gentle nature is often a good foil for that inner strength you tuck away. Don’t be as sensitive as you are, you’ll only hurt yourself.
Hi, I am Mayuri, a Tarot Card Reader by Profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present. Follow me on my Instagram handle @CardTalkWithMayuri to know more about the Tarot and all things related.
This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter, and my theme is Demystifying the Tarot.
I started expressing myself through my blogs. So after I started blogging, my friends and other family members would come to me just to have a chat and share their doubts because they felt that I can give them the right advice. So many people have told me we trust you. It feels so good. I didn’t know that it’s an Aquarian trait. Thanks for sharing. I will try and be a better listener too.
had no clue that Zodiac and Tarot were intertwined.
Loved your whole series, really made me change my mind about what I thought was mumbo jumbo
Wow what a great analysis of all star signs and a wonderful way to wrap up your series too. Loved each posts and learnt so many things along the way. Best wishes