#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Querent : Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

The ‘Querent’ is a Latin word for ‘The Seeker’ or ‘The one who seeks’. The one who questions an Oracle.

The person who is questioning, and receiving the interpretation of the Tarot Cards is known as the Querent.  Most people don’t realise that in a Tarot Card Reading it is not the Tarot nor the Tarot Card Reader who are central characters. It is only the Querent who holds all the power.


A Tarot Card Reader is only a medium that uses their knowledge and a Deck of Cards to answer Questions asked by and the Querent, by Reading the Cards picked by them. During a face-to-face Reading (oh how I miss having those!) I hand the Tarot Card Dark to the Querent and they are supposed to shuffle it while they ask their Question, one at a time. Once they are done asking they hand the Deck back to me and I use the top 10 Cards to form a Spread.

In an Online Tarot Reading, as a Tarot Card Reader, I shuffle the Cards while the Querent asks the question. I stop shuffling when they are done with asking the question and pick the top 10 Cards of the Deck to form a Spread. So in a way, it is still technically the Querent who is picking the Cards.

It is the energy of the Querent, with the Tarot Card Reader adding a bit of their own, that decides the mood and flow of the reading.

So now you know that you have no need to be anxious about your Tarot Session, the Tarot Cards, or the Tarot Card Reader.

Hi, I am Mayuri, a Tarot Card Reader by Profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present. Follow me on my Instagram handle @CardTalkWithMayuri to know more about the Tarot and all things related.

This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter, and my theme is Demystifying the Tarot.


  1. Harshita Nanda

    This one was actually mind-blowing. Didn’t know the Querent shuffled the cards.

  2. Deepika

    Your posts are actually making tarot reading easier to understand for novices. Good that you chose to write about it
    Deepika Sharma

    1. Glad to know that, Deepika.

  3. I didn’t know that a spread of 10 cards is drawn. Please do explain the reason for the same in the posts too.

    1. Yes, Aesha. A detailed post coming up for the alphabet ‘S’.

  4. Lovely series…good to know what all goes inside a tarot reading

  5. Ohh.. This was interesting to know that the querent actually plays the key role! Glad you wrote about this theme, I know so many things.

  6. This is so powerful. You explain so well Mayuri!

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