
9 Gleanings from 18 years of being a Professional Tarot Card Reader

I completed 18 years of Professional Tarot Card Reading this May (2022). Tarot Card Reading has not only been my Profession but it has taught me a lot. It has smoothened out my rough edges, sandpapered me to a shine, and remolded me into the person I am now – a constant work in progress. 18 years of being a …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Zodiac: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

Did you know that Tarot Card Predictions and the Zodiac Signs are intertwined? And that each of the 12 Zodiac Signs (English Calendar) are represented by a Tarot Card each from the Major Arcana Cards. In a Tarot Card Reading; The Wands are associated with the Fire Signs of the Zodiac – Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Pentacles are associated …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Used to: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

A Tarot Card Reading is a one on one session between the Reader and the Querent (Client) Irrespective of whether the Reading takes place in person or Online, it is almost always a soul-baring exchange of energies between two people. Tarot Card Readings make you think and they make you reassess. A Reading answers your queries gives you clarity, soothes …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Transformation: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

When you hear the word Transformation you don’t bat an eyelid, right. At the most, the mention of this word might pique your curiosity a bit. However, If there is one card that gets an immediate, and horrific, reaction when it appears during a Tarot Card Reading it is the Death Card. The question that almost always follows its appearance …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Querent : Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

The ‘Querent’ is a Latin word for ‘The Seeker’ or ‘The one who seeks’. The one who questions an Oracle. The person who is questioning, and receiving the interpretation of the Tarot Cards is known as the Querent.  Most people don’t realise that in a Tarot Card Reading it is not the Tarot nor the Tarot Card Reader who are …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Pagan : Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

Pagan : A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. Paganism is also known as the religion of peasantry. During the Middle Ages, the term Paganism was applied to any non-Christian religion. Pagans believe that nature is sacred and the natural cycles of birth, growth and death observed in the world around us carry profoundly …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Occult: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

Occult The occult (from the Latin word occultus “clandestine, hidden, secret”) is “knowledge of the hidden”. In common usage, occult refers to “knowledge of the paranormal”, as opposed to “knowledge of the measurable”, usually referred to as science. This is how Wikipedia defines ‘Occult’. Tarot Card Reading is known as an Occult science. However, people are unaware of what the word Occult truly means. …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Misconceptions: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

How many Tarot Card Readers do you know, like personally? My bet would be none (and no I did not need to read my Tarot Cards to predict this) When people find out I am a Tarot Card Reader the reactions I get are, shall I say, amusing. After the complete silence that falls post me introducing myself, an up …

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