#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Misconceptions: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

How many Tarot Card Readers do you know, like personally? My bet would be none (and no I did not need to read my Tarot Cards to predict this)

When people find out I am a Tarot Card Reader the reactions I get are, shall I say, amusing.

After the complete silence that falls post me introducing myself, an up and down scan follows (no, wings, a halo or horns or even fangs just won’t pop out, no matter how much you will them to) Post which I am questioned if I have special powers/ was born with this knowledge/ practice black magic/ witchcraft, and the like.
My answer is, and will always be, NO, disappointing quite a few.

Misconceptions CardTalkWithMayuri

If I had a rupee for each of the times I was asked, ‘Tell me what I am thinking right now?’ I would be on the Forbes Billionaire list. Every year.

My 1sttime Clients usually expect to see me swathed in long, flowing robes, with a dozen bangles and bracelets jangling at my wrists. Sitting in a dark room with fumes from burning incense creating a smoky and mysterious setting. And of course, a Crystal Ball keeping me company.

They are a tad disappointed to walk into my well-aired and well-lit office and see me dressed in smart semi-formal wear.
Funnily enough, I am also often asked if ‘I eat non-vegetarian food’ (yes, I do) ‘pray all day’(surely not!) ‘get angry’ (do I have a temper or what!) and ‘use foul language’ (huh!?) and the likes.

There is almost always a long, grilling question and answer session by my clients before we start the actual Reading starts.
And I see to it that I answer each and every question asked with utmost patience because hey, Misconceptions must be cleared, or they cause misinformation.

Hi, I am Mayuri, a Tarot Card Reader by Profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds, I enjoy unwrapping the present. Follow me on my Instagram handle @CardTalkWithMayuri to know more about the Tarot and all things related.

This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter, and my theme is Demystifying the Tarot.


  1. Oh Gosh! You go through a lot, but you hear them out with patience. That is so amazing about you. Of course, misconceptions have to be removed.

  2. Harshita Nanda

    “My 1sttime Clients usually expect to see me swathed in long, flowing robes, with a dozen bangles and bracelets jangling at my wrists. Sitting in a dark room with fumes from burning incense creating a smoky and mysterious setting. And of course, a Crystal Ball keeping me company.”

    ek baar aisa photo session pls!!!

  3. Deepika

    Omg so many strange questions, but of course that’s how tarot readers a portrayed in movies. Many misconceptions are being cleared through your posts
    Deepika Sharma

  4. People who are judgemental are the worst… I am sure who would be finding it difficult many a times to be your best self with such clients. By the way , I just imagined you with the crystal ball
    ( lol) and no you do not fit at all!

  5. You should humour them, Mayuri..I can imagine u in the long flowing robes and the mysterious ambience and please please the Crystal Ball too 🙂

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