#TarotScope #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotPredictions

#TarotScope : 15th November to 15th December #CardTalkWithMayuri

Aries Work: Yes, you’ve once again trusted someone, and yes, you may once again have been let down. But you won’t know if that’s the case unless you take a chance. You need to be equal parts brave, realistic and intuitive. Your reward will be priceless — for better or worse. Love: Messages are likely to be mixed-up at the …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions #TarotScope

#TarotScope : 15th October – 15th November #CardTalkWithMayuri

Aries Work: You’ve been lying in wait for some time now, hoping you’ll know when the time was right to oh-so-tactfully approach those in the positions of authority that you so ardently aspire to hold. It’s now. Stop aspiring, and get moving! Love: Your impatience for thin-skinned people and touchy behavior may turn you off to a potential romance. The …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotScope

#TarotScope : September 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

 TarotScope : As I was picking out the Tarot Cards for all the Star Signs for September, I saw a common thread running through each. Movement is indicated for everyone. I am sure is is welcome too,post a stagnant few months.   Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotScope

Your #TarotScope for August 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology are completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card. The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas. This is how The Tarot …

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#TarotPredictions #TarotScope

TarotScope – July 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card. The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas. This is how The …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions #TarotScope

#TarotScope June 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card. The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas. This is how  the …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #Tarot #TarotScope

India post COVID-19 #TarotScope

DISCLAIMER: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE ARE MY OWN. THE CONTENTS OF THIS TAROT CARD READING DO NOT REPLACE PROFESSIONAL/LEGAL/BUSINESS/MEDICAL ADVICE. Ever since the Corona/ Pandemic became a familiar word on everyone’s lips, I have had innumerable requests asking me to read the Tarot Cards to see what the future holds for India, post the Pandemic. This afternoon, the 31st of …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for April

According to the Tarot, this is what the month of April holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Eight of Swords What it signifies: Patience will be the key to help you to get through this month smoothly, as you might find yourself being restricted by circumstances beyond your …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for March

  According to the Tarot , this is what the month of March holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Ten of Swords What it signifies: This month will see you embracing acceptance. You’ll recognize that the past is over and done with in no uncertain terms, and be …

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#TarotPredictions #Tarot #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for February

According to the Tarot , this is what the month of February holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Queen of Swords What it signifies: This month will see you playing the role of an advocate, to people or causes close to your heart.  Your experience will be your …

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