#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotScope

Your #TarotScope for August 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology are completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card.

The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas.

This is how The Tarot  represents Zodiac Signs;

Wands represent The Fire Signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Pentacles / Coins represent The Earth Signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Swords represent The Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Cups represent The Water Signs – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

TarotScope_August_Card_Talk_With_Mayuri1Here is August 2020 ‘s Tarot Card Reading for the;

Wands – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius  – Your Tarot Card for August is Ace of Wands

New energy, new potential and a fresh spurt of creativity are your gifts from the Universe this August. If you have been waiting for a sign, to start anew and afresh, to give a nod to an offer and idea you have been mulling about, the sign is here. Go ahead, you!

If you have found yourself thinking about Spirituality or self-introspection, this is the time to act upon it. Look within, be truthful to yourself and make the changes you would want to. Doing so could be the first step on the path that could open up to newer possibilities.

Those looking to start a family could hear good news soon.

Tarot Tip for the Month: You’ve thought long and hard, now is the time to take action and set the ball rolling.

Colours for August: Gold. Green. Saffron. Blue.



Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Your Tarot Card for August is The Sun

The Sun is out and shining, breaking through the clouds that seemed to have obscured your vision, and even thoughts. You will shrug off the cloak of pessimism you have been covered yourself in and radiate new energy and enthusiasm. Your happy vibes will be contagious.

If you have been bad mouthed or falsely blamed by others or lies have been used against you, the truth will be out soon. Nothing will bring you down.

The Sun is a harbinger of good luck, so a look forward to a turn of fortune. A boost in your confidence level, good feelings and fulfilment are the gifts of The Sun for you.

Tarot Tip for the Month: No more holding back yourself! Look up at a new Sun rising and the shadows of doubts will fall behind you.

Colours for August: Vermillion. Silver. Beige. Ochre.


Air – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Your Tarot Card for August is The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is an indicator of change. Changes you may have looked forward to or changes that you are not aware you need. If you haven’t been enjoying the best of health lately, you are going to feel better soon.

Change is the only constant thing in life, and what we must go through to meet our future. Not all changes are comfortable though but remember what you may see as tough times are the ones that smoothen your edges and polish you to a shine.

Life is a series of ever-changing cycles we have to go through. Live each one as you learn from each one.

Tarot Tip for the Month: Remember Good and Bad are cycles we must go through, and neither are permanent.

Colours for August: Orange. Yellow. Pewter. Blue.



Water – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio Your Tarot Card for August is King of Cups

Your heart and mind have always been tugging you in different directions, with your heart winning most of the times. This is something that bothers you, even frustrates you at times.

August brings much needed balance into your life. Kindness and Compassion will lead you towards Wisdom, and make you realise that you cannot change or control everything. Acceptance is going to be a new flavour that you will learn to savour, and lead to deeper understanding and emotional maturity.

Tarot Tip for the Month: Learning to be a good listener and diplomatic will bring great rewards.

Colours for August: Leaf Green. Grey. Sunset Orange. Olive Green


You are the light. Shine on!

This is a general Tarot Reading

I used the Druid Craft tarot Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Illustrated by Will Worthington


  1. I was waiting to read your August post. Glad to know that things seem to be looking up for me, a Virgo. No stopping now and time for us to do what we’ve been putting off!

  2. Reading this gives me an assurance that my health would get better. In fact I feel much better after reading the prediction for my sign. Hoping the changes are in my favour.

    1. I fall in the water sign. I am a scorpion. August has been very fulfilling to me so far. I got a few good news in the first week of August. Let’s see what’s coming next. I always wait for your Reading .

      1. Amrita Basu

        I loved the wheel of fortune that the cards picked for me this month.Change I will now look forward too .Thanks for sharing hope in these troubled times

    2. Every month I wait for you to publish these. Your predictions give me hope.

  3. Deepa Gandhi

    Good to know what’s in store for my sun sign. Looking forward to a great month. 🙂

    1. This August prediction for me , the Aquarius was very interesting indeed. Tarot cards is a fun intriguing was to see the future.

    2. Wow feeling positive after reading my prediction for the month. Your new site is really awesome and getting prediction from expert Like you is really amazing. Please write some posts on basic of tarot card reading. Will be an exciting read for all of us readers.

      1. Thank you for reading, Surbhi. This site will be 4 years old in November 🙂 I have everything about Tarot, even the basics, on it. Just use teh search to find what you would liek to read.

  4. Swati Mathur

    This is so motivating, reading this, kind of validated what I wanted to do or what I was planning. Thanks a lot for sharing and making me feel positive.

  5. Wow! I read out the predictions to each member of the family and they were so happy to hear the predictions. Thank you for publishing a post that instils so much hope and positivity. Once again, your writing has stolen my heart.

  6. Ruchi Verma

    Glad to read about this month predictions for Gemini …I am so much looking forward for great month and will retuen next month to know more

  7. I so love reading your predictions. THis time it is asking me to take care, so I will, keep these coming, I am glued each month to your cards talk.

  8. I simply love your monthly tarot readings, you should start doing weekly reading sessions too. I always feel really positive after going through your tarot readings.

  9. Your prediction for my sign is absolutely right! I am definitely clear on the work and personal front. I keep coming back to your website every week for indications.

  10. August is my birthday month and I don’t know why but I get too excited for my birthday every year even though I know that it means a year deleted from my life. Now, reading this tarotscope for Aug, I am all the more thrilled to know what this month has in store for me.

  11. Snigdha

    I was waiting for this post. I am a Capricorn and mine is quite good . I am so happy now . Thank you so much .

  12. Judy Morris

    I always come back to read your every month’s predictions. They are kind of a sneakk peak into the what to expect in the new month.

  13. Thanks for the detailed post Mayuri. Looking at the Libra section I am feeling composed as the tough times will make me shine, so will pour in my best.

  14. Haajra Fareen

    This is very interesting and informative. I never heard of this before. It’s a nice way to learn about it from you. Thanks for the detailed article Mayuri.

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