#Capricorn #TarotPredictions #TarotPredictions2017

Tarot Forecast 2017: Capricorn


Capricorn are those born between; December 23rd to January 20th

Symbol: The Goat

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Capricorn Traits that work for you:

You are practical and take all facts into account before making a decision. You are patient, cautious and disciplined.

Capricorn Traits that work against you:

You’re shy and enjoy only the company of friends. You don’t change your views and dislike going against odds.

What will 2017 bring for you? 

Temperance, communication and romance are on the cards for The Goats this year. Appreciation of simple pleasures and a sense of balance is what you will be achieving. Ideas will swiftly be made into reality with the diplomacy and skilled negotiation of a mutually acceptable compromise.

You may appear reckless, but chances are that your actions will have been very well planned. You’ll set high goals for yourself and overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. And at the top of your game, you’ll gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect and follow you for you for all that you have accomplished.

The cards advise you to strike a balance with compromise while making decisions as sometimes hard choices must be made and indecision will only aggravate the situation. Choose the lesser of the two evils and work to minimize any damage, if any at all, that may be done. You will have the ability to make the best of a bad situation.

Romance is certainly in the air, with the probability of solo people coming across their significant other and a fresh dose of love being injected into established relationships.

Your Oracle Card for 2017: Archangel Jeremiel: Life Review

Message: Take inventory of your life and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.

Meaning of the card:  It takes courage to look at your life and evaluate it in an honest, unbiased manner. Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. It will help you take stock of where you’ve been. It will help you look at what you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. You’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving you your highest good and take steps to release those redundant patterns.

Message for 2017

You will be enterprising and assertive at work and bring in the desired results. Travel might have delays and snags, irritating you. Health will prosper in spite of constant neglect.

Lucky Colors

Leaf Green, Dark Green, Black, Mustard Yellow, Dull Orange and Maroon.




  1. Thanks for detailed Prediction 🙂

  2. I like my forecast specially the bit about ‘Health will prosper despite constant neglect’. Yay!

  3. Thanks for so much information. I am impressed with the message and meaning of my card. I am Capricorn too, born on December, 29. I do not know the time:) appreciate you for sharing !

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