#CardTalkWithMayuri AtoZofTarot

Deck: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z

A Tarot Card Deck is not similar to a Playing Card Deck. No, you cannot ‘play Cards’ with a Tarot Deck. Ironically, the initial Tarot Readings in ancient times were conducted via a Deck that much resembled a playing card Deck. Phew! Now that I have answered that often asked the question and it is out of the way let …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #Tarot AtoZofTarot

Theme Reveal: #BlogchatterA2Z 2021

Tarot. This one word evokes so many reactions. Curiosity. Puzzlement. Awe. Fear. A smirk too.   ‘How does Tarot work?’ ‘Does it really even work?’ ‘Do you have some special powers?’ ‘Does practicing Tarot make you a witch?’ ‘Do you eat non-vegetarian food?’ ‘Can you guess what I am thinking right now?’ When I started off as a Tarot Card …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for April

According to the Tarot, this is what the month of April holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Eight of Swords What it signifies: Patience will be the key to help you to get through this month smoothly, as you might find yourself being restricted by circumstances beyond your …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for March

  According to the Tarot , this is what the month of March holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Ten of Swords What it signifies: This month will see you embracing acceptance. You’ll recognize that the past is over and done with in no uncertain terms, and be …

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#TarotPredictions #Tarot #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for February

According to the Tarot , this is what the month of February holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Queen of Swords What it signifies: This month will see you playing the role of an advocate, to people or causes close to your heart.  Your experience will be your …

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How To Keep It Together When Things Fall Apart: 10 Hacks That Could Save You

  Life is full of surprises. There are times when situations overwhelm you and you feel you can’t take anymore, and then suddenly you’re pleasantly surprised in the form of relief. That is the break that sometimes keeps us from breaking apart. At other times things just keep falling apart all around you while all you can do is helplessly …

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TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for October

According to the Tarot, this is what October holds for; Aries A smooth sailing month, both at work and personally as the wheel of fortune turns in your favor and touches all you desire into success. An excellent month particularly for the Arian women and teenagers. Professional: You will be eager to showcase your talents .You build a team that …

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