#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions #TarotScope

#TarotScope : 15th October – 15th November #CardTalkWithMayuri

Aries Work: You’ve been lying in wait for some time now, hoping you’ll know when the time was right to oh-so-tactfully approach those in the positions of authority that you so ardently aspire to hold. It’s now. Stop aspiring, and get moving! Love: Your impatience for thin-skinned people and touchy behavior may turn you off to a potential romance. The …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotScope

#TarotScope : September 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

 TarotScope : As I was picking out the Tarot Cards for all the Star Signs for September, I saw a common thread running through each. Movement is indicated for everyone. I am sure is is welcome too,post a stagnant few months.   Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card …

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#TarotPredictions #TarotScope

TarotScope – July 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card. The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas. This is how The …

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#CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions #TarotScope

#TarotScope June 2020 #CardTalkWithMayuri

Tarot and Astrology and both completely different sciences. However, Tarot does have Astrological connections. In a 78 Card Tarot Deck each Astrological Sign is represented by a Tarot Card. The 12 Zodiac Signs are further segregated and slotted by the elements of nature they represent, and are headed by a Card each from the Minor Arcanas. This is how  the …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for April

According to the Tarot, this is what the month of April holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Eight of Swords What it signifies: Patience will be the key to help you to get through this month smoothly, as you might find yourself being restricted by circumstances beyond your …

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#TarotPredictions #CardTalkWithMayuri #TarotPredictions2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for March

  According to the Tarot , this is what the month of March holds for those born under the sign of; Aries March 21 – April 19 Card of the month: Ten of Swords What it signifies: This month will see you embracing acceptance. You’ll recognize that the past is over and done with in no uncertain terms, and be …

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TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for October

According to the Tarot, this is what October holds for; Aries A smooth sailing month, both at work and personally as the wheel of fortune turns in your favor and touches all you desire into success. An excellent month particularly for the Arian women and teenagers. Professional: You will be eager to showcase your talents .You build a team that …

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#TarotScope #TarotPredictions

#TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for August

Aries This month will bring with it the ability to see problems objectively and find new and better solutions. Time to make decisions which you’ve been procrastinating about for too long now. Expect a much deserved promotion/salary increment as hard work is now rewarded. You will be thinking about making some much-needed changes in your attitude towards your relationship. Just …

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#TarotPredictions #TarotForecastOfTheMonth #TarotScope

#TarotScope: Your Tarot Forecast for June

What are Oracle Cards? Oracle Cards are ancient, time tested foretelling tools. These unique, self-help cards work on the law of Magnetic Attraction, i.e. the cards are attracted to a person’s present feelings and beliefs. Because your feelings and beliefs create your future, Oracle Cards provide insight into the directions of relationship, career, finance, health and other important areas of …

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#February2017 #TarotScope

TarotScope : Your Tarot Forecast for February by Mayuri

    Aries Work: Use your intellect — it can take you far! It will help you out think the competition, come up with a sweet plan or just spot the hidden gems within the ideas being tossed around. Love: You understand your partner better and better — something really seems to click between you, and your minds are much …

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