A Tarot Card Deck is not similar to a Playing Card Deck. No, you cannot ‘play Cards’ with a Tarot Deck. Ironically, the initial Tarot Readings in ancient times were conducted via a Deck that much resembled a playing card Deck. Phew! Now that I have answered that often asked the question and it is out of the way let …
Cleansing the Cards: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Tarot Card Reading is all about energies and vibes. When a client comes in for a personal Reading, they are the one who handles the Deck throughout the session. Once the session starts, I hand them the Deck, and they ask their questions, one at a time, as they shuffle the cards. Once they are done asking the question they …
Belief: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Belief is the one important thing you need to have when you decide to have a Tarot Card Reading. It is the belief in this science or any other, that will help make your Tarot Reading work even better for you. When you decide to get a Tarot Reading done, it is always wise to leave all your skeptical thoughts …
Angel Cards: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Angel Cards are known as Oracle Cards and used for spiritual guidance and practices. Oracle means Prophecy. They are not Tarot Cards and are very different from them. Unlike Tarot Cards, Angel Cards don’t predict the future. They are more about the present. Beautifully illustrated Angel Cards come in a pack of 44, while Tarot Cards have 78 Cards to …