‘I am just curious about Tarot, there is nothing I really want to ask.’ ‘Life is going great, there is nothing wrong as such, just want to get my Tarot Cards read for the fun of it.’ When faced with such requests, I am forthright enough to say, ‘No, you do not need a Tarot Card Reading’. Being a Professional …
Misconceptions: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
How many Tarot Card Readers do you know, like personally? My bet would be none (and no I did not need to read my Tarot Cards to predict this) When people find out I am a Tarot Card Reader the reactions I get are, shall I say, amusing. After the complete silence that falls post me introducing myself, an up …
Lovers: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
My theme for the #BlogchatterA2Z is ‘Demystifying the Tarot’ and I have been unveiling Tarot Card Reading with each post. I have been writing about the Tarot, the Deck, the process, and little snippets of how a Reading is done. In my posts, I have often repeated that a Tarot Card Deck has 78 Cards and each of the 78 …
Knowledge: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Last week I saw a video advertisement for Tarot Card Reading classes. What caught my attention was that the content specified that ‘you won’t need to memorize the meanings of each card in our course to become a Tarot Card Reader’. I was taken aback. How then can one learn to be a Tarot Card Reader? For, isn’t being a …
Jumping Cards: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
A very important aspect of a Tarot Card Reading Session is the shuffling of the Tarot Deck. By the Client, when they are asking their question and by the Tarot Card Reader, between each question (done to redistribute the energy of the Deck) Yes, that’s a whole lot of shuffling! There are times when the Deck is being shuffled, and …
Intuition: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Intuition, as defined by the Dictionary: The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. Among the many misconceptions about Tarot Card Reading there are, a major one that is brought up almost in every other Tarot Card Reading I conduct. That is that I have ‘a great Intuition’. Now, I have no clue how people assume …
How Tarot Changed Me: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
One day out of the blue, my brother told me that he thought Tarot Card Reading would be my calling and I would be great at it. I thought he was pulling my leg and brushed off his suggestion. He persisted, gifted me a Deck, and encouraged me to learn it professionally. I forgot all about it, till a year …
Guidance : Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
Oftentimes we find ourselves in situations where we need guidance. Almost always we lean towards the ones we trust and love to guide us. Yes, we can always rely on friends and family at such times, but we also do know that they may tend to get slightly biased while they guide or advise us. This is where the Tarot …
Free Reading: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
‘I don’t believe in Tarot, but I’ll allow you to convince me with a Reading’. ‘Oh, you charge your friends and family too? Very professional, my God!’ ‘Give me a free Reading first, and I will pay for the next one.’ ‘Give me a free Reading and I’ll get you, clients.’ ‘You are doing such a noble service, why should …
Energy: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
What is Energy? Everything around us is created using energy and releases energy back into the world. Energies and Vibes are what Tarot Card Reading is based on. Different people have different energies. Instead of segregating them into good or bad energies, I choose to label them high or low energies instead. Apart from Physical Energy, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual …