Last week I saw a video advertisement for Tarot Card Reading classes. What caught my attention was that the content specified that ‘you won’t need to memorize the meanings of each card in our course to become a Tarot Card Reader’. I was taken aback. How then can one learn to be a Tarot Card Reader? For, isn’t being a …
Energy: Demystifying the Tarot #BlogchatterA2Z
What is Energy? Everything around us is created using energy and releases energy back into the world. Energies and Vibes are what Tarot Card Reading is based on. Different people have different energies. Instead of segregating them into good or bad energies, I choose to label them high or low energies instead. Apart from Physical Energy, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual …
Theme Reveal: #BlogchatterA2Z 2021
Tarot. This one word evokes so many reactions. Curiosity. Puzzlement. Awe. Fear. A smirk too. ‘How does Tarot work?’ ‘Does it really even work?’ ‘Do you have some special powers?’ ‘Does practicing Tarot make you a witch?’ ‘Do you eat non-vegetarian food?’ ‘Can you guess what I am thinking right now?’ When I started off as a Tarot Card …