
What does your price tag say? #MayTivation

A price tag is a label indicating the price of an object for sale. A price tag is what we first glance at, either consciously or unconsciously, when we are out shopping. The numbers on a price tag are almost always indicative of our response to the object. The higher the price tag the more awe, and at times want, it incites in a buyer.

So what numbers do your price tag display?

A price tag for a human being? How unfair is that, is your thought right now, isn’t it?

Irrespective of whether we realize it or not, we all price ourselves and carry an invisible tag. Our self-esteem is what helps us calculate the price we put on ourselves. The price we put on ourselves gives people an idea of how they can treat us.

Yes, it is sad, but also the truth. The harsh truth.

When we feel we aren’t being treated right, and aren’t being given the respect and the love we deserve it is almost always because we may have priced ourselves too low. It is we who feel we do not deserve to be applauded and revered, and those are the vibes we let out through our behavior, talk, and acceptance of unfairness.

So stop selling yourself short and giving everyone who gets to know you a discount. Take time to introspect and thus realize your true worth. Then price yourself accordingly. Take care not to calculate an exaggerated one either.

Watch the change of behavior in people towards you then. Until you treat yourself as precious and elusive, no one else will. Until you learn and live out your worth, no one else will.

It is we who tell people what we are worth. Make sure your price tag is the right representation. 




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